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辽东湾冰情加剧 已影响大连部分港口船舶靠离


Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration disclosed on the 8th that according to the sea ice remote sensing monitoring notification recently released by the national satellite marine application center, the floating ice range in Liaodong Bay has reached 72 nautical miles, and the sea ice area is 16737 square kilometers. At present, the ice condition in some waters of Liaodong Bay has intensified, which has affected the berthing and departure of port ships. Liaodong Bay is one of the three major bays of the Bohai Sea in China, and it is also the place with the lowest water temperature and the heaviest ice condition in China's coastal sea. Solid ice appears every year, The cold air has a particularly obvious impact on some sea areas in Liaoning coastal areas


Since the beginning of winter this year, the Liaoning Provincial Center for marine environment prediction, disaster prevention and reduction has issued a level IV sea ice warning (blue) in Liaodong Bay for nine consecutive times. Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration said that at present, the ice floes in the Hongyan river waters of Changxing Island, songmu island and Taiping Bay under the jurisdiction of Dalian are serious, which can not meet the berthing and disembarkation of ships for the time being; The ice condition of Hengli Petrochemical harbor basin and channel is heavy, and there are large pieces of floating ice, which affects the berthing and disembarkation of ships


Dalian Municipal Bureau of ocean and Fisheries also said that this year's sea ice is the most serious one in Dalian in recent years. In view of the impact of sea ice on ship navigation and port production, the branches of Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration have arranged high-powered ice breaking tugboats to carry out 24-hour ice breaking navigation in key waters such as harbor basins, waterways, anchorages, etc., effectively ensuring the safety and efficiency of ships entering and leaving the port


According to the satellite monitoring results, the floating ice range in Liaodong Bay has reached 72 nautical miles, and it is expected that the ice situation will continue to develop in the next three days. The maximum floating ice range in Liaodong Bay is 60-70 nautical miles, the general ice thickness is 10-20 cm, and the maximum ice thickness is 35 cm; The maximum ice floe in the north of the Yellow Sea ranges from 10 to 20 nautical miles. The general ice thickness is 5 to 15 cm, and the maximum ice thickness is 25 cm


Liaoning marine environment prediction and disaster prevention and Reduction Center reminded relevant departments to strengthen ice breaking activities in the sea area around Liaodong Bay Port, channel and oil platform, ensure the safety of shipping and marine operations, pay close attention to the early warning of sea ice, and do a good job in ice prevention and disaster reduction

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