• 九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

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    凝聚合力 推进全球海洋中心城市建设——市政协副主席陈倩雯一行调研盐田港集团


    On September 12, Chen Qianwen, vice chairman of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, led a team to Yantian Port Group to carry out a special survey on accelerating the construction of a global marine center city. Yang Geng, director of the population, resources and Environment Committee of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Wang Ping, full-time deputy director, and 15 people, including members of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, expert teams, and the office of the human resources and Environment Committee of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, accompanied the survey



    He said that since 2019, Yantian Port Group has taken the idea of building a sea related comprehensive economy and being the main force and new force in building Shenzhen into a global marine central city, seized the major opportunity of "dual zone driving effect", accelerated transformation and upgrading and capital operation, promoted reform and innovation, promoted the investment and construction of key projects, and strengthened operation and management. At present, all key work is progressing smoothly


    As a municipal functional enterprise closely related to the marine economy, Yantian Port Group will continue to take the initiative to play the leading role of the backbone of municipal state-owned enterprises, accelerate the transformation and upgrading to the fourth generation port, help the construction of Shenzhen International Shipping Center, build a demonstration platform for comprehensive industries related to the sea, and make an important contribution to the construction of Shenzhen as a global marine center city in accordance with the requirements of the "ten ones" project of the municipal Party committee and municipal government


    Yang Geng, director of the human resources and Environmental Protection Committee of the Municipal Association, Guo Xiubin, Li Shuyan, Huang Tianhua, Wu Zhiqiang, Fang Mandi, members of the municipal CPPCC, and Zhao Jinsong and Niu Huien, experts studying the central city of the sea, made speeches respectively, and gave high determination to the achievements of Yantian port and the ideas for its future development, focusing on promoting the development of shipping in the Great Bay District, building a marine industry research platform, developing high-end service industry of port and shipping The international level of ports and other topics were exchanged


    Chen Qianwen said that from a professional port development operator to today's comprehensive supply chain service platform, the outstanding achievements of Yantian Port Group are very exciting. At the same time, from the perspective of national strategy and its own resources, there is still a lot of room for development. She pointed out that Yantian Port should fully rely on resource advantages and industrial foundation, consolidate and expand existing development achievements, and further promote the development of the whole industrial chain, We will become bigger and stronger, take advantage of the trend, and play a major role in the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area, the leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the global marine center city


    The Municipal Association will fully support the work of Yantian port, give full play to its role in participating in and discussing politics, and form a joint force with enterprises to jointly promote the construction of a global marine central city. The conference also communicated and coordinated matters such as the Shenzhen Research Institute of Ocean University of China and the construction of Donggang District

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