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On February 20, Yantian Port Group held the 2018 financial work summary meeting in the conference room on the first floor of Haigang building. The group president Liu Nanan attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting was presided over by Li Miao, the group's chief financial officer. The heads of relevant departments and offices of the group, the group's designated financial principals and some single financial leaders attended the meeting


集团财务管理部对集团2018年财务工作进行了总结 栗淼表示,各委派财务负责人要充分发挥自身的监督和管理作用,为企业决策提供支持,在资金管理上要严格执行市国资委及集团相关制度,严格管控费用开支,对拟开展的重大项目要提前开展税务筹划研究

The financial management department of the group summarized the financial work of the group in 2018. Li Miao said that the designated financial principals should give full play to their own supervision and management role, provide support for enterprise decision-making, strictly implement the relevant systems of the municipal SASAC and the group in terms of fund management, strictly control expenses, and carry out tax planning research for major projects to be carried out in advance

同时财务人员要不断学习,系统思考,在促进企业保值增值的同时,努力实现自身的保值增值 刘南安对集团财务2018年的工作成绩给予充分肯定他指出,2019年财务部门要继续提升财务管理能力,建立完善财务制度,加强预算管控,强化管理,确保各项工作有制度可依

At the same time, financial personnel should continue to learn, think systematically, and strive to achieve their own value preservation and appreciation while promoting the value preservation and appreciation of enterprises. Liu Nan'an fully affirmed the group's financial performance in 2018. He pointed out that in 2019, the financial department should continue to improve its financial management ability, establish and improve financial systems, strengthen budget control, strengthen management, and ensure that all work has systems to rely on

在重大投资建设项目上,财务部门要加强筹融资管理,为集团发展提供坚实的保障此外,要结合各单位、各类人员的实际需求,开展个性化的财务培训,提高培训的效果和效率 会议还对2018年度财会、审计专题研究的优秀小组进行了表彰

In terms of major investment and construction projects, the financial department should strengthen the management of financing and provide a solid guarantee for the development of the group. In addition, it should carry out personalized financial training in combination with the actual needs of all units and all kinds of personnel to improve the effect and efficiency of the training. The meeting also commended the excellent group of 2018 financial accounting and audit thematic research

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