• 九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

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    On March 22, zhushengfeng, Deputy Secretary General of the China Ocean Development Foundation, and his delegation visited Yantian Port Group. Peng Hongbo, vice president of the group, and Chen Biao, Secretary of the board of directors attended the symposium. The two sides exchanged views on promoting the development of blue economy, establishing a national blue industry innovation center, and promoting a number of cooperation. Relevant heads of the group's investment and development department, Hong Kong Construction Office, and dachanwan company attended the meeting



    During this visit to Yantian Port Group, I hope to take the opportunity of establishing the national blue industry innovation center, give full play to their respective expertise in different fields, realize complementary advantages and resource sharing, and make contributions to the development of blue economy, help marine power and the construction of Shenzhen global marine center city. Peng Hongbo said that Yantian Port Group has always been actively responding to national development strategies and seeking breakthroughs in marine economy

    作为中国海洋发展基金会的理事会员,集团有责任也有义务在人才、技术、资金方面为组建国家蓝色产业创新中心、响应国家 “一带一路”倡议等提供相应支持,与基金会一起服务国家战略,实现合作共赢会后,朱生凤一行赴大铲湾港区了解港区规划建设情况

    As a member of the China Ocean Development Foundation, the group has the responsibility and obligation to establish a national blue industry innovation center and respond to the country in terms of talent, technology and capital

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