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He said that in the past 30 years, Yantian Port Group and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone have grown together and made remarkable achievements. In the next step, the group will actively respond to the national "the Belt and Road" initiative, conscientiously implement the development planning outline of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area, give play to its own advantages, strengthen communication and links, and further enhance the opening-up of Yantian port, Make due contributions to the construction of Shenzhen as a global marine center city and the rapid economic development of Dawan district


Liu Nanan introduced the overall situation of the group to the guests. In recent years, the container throughput of Yantian Port Group has continued to reach a new high. In 2018, the container throughput of the group system reached 14.39 million TEUs, accounting for 56% of Shenzhen port, providing a strong guarantee for regional economic development. Among them, Yantian Port exceeded 13million TEUs for the first time and 10million TEUs for nine consecutive years


Gan Guiping fully affirmed the outstanding achievements made by Yantian Port Group, and put forward reasonable suggestions on the group's work in fire safety, transportation, public security management, import and export of goods, etc. relevant heads of the group office and the work safety management department attended the symposium

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