1. 九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

    lisa:18682480217 shadow:17322336538 繁體中文 English



    On May 8, Sun Bo, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of Yantian Port Group, had a cordial discussion with more than 30 league leaders and youth representatives of the group system in the conference room on the first floor of Haigang building, and sent a message to the Youth League members to actively participate in the operation and development of the group and contribute to the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area and Shenzhen as a global marine center city. Wang peihang, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the group, and relevant heads of the party and Mass Work Department, human resources department and the Youth League Committee of the group attended the symposium



    Improve political standing, strengthen ideological construction and moral cultivation


    At present, the group is in the critical stage of transformation and upgrading. Young League members should focus on the strategic objectives of the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area and the construction of Shenzhen as a global marine center city, stimulate their enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, maintain a vibrant atmosphere, actively participate in every cause of the group's development, improve their working ability in their work, realize their own value, and make due contributions to the leapfrog development of the group in the next stage


    Wang peihang stressed that the Youth League Committee of the group should continue to strengthen the construction of the League organization in accordance with the instructions of secretary Sun Bo, strive to improve the working ability and ideological understanding of Young League members, effectively solve the practical difficulties of Young League members in work and life, and contribute to the development of the group

    转载于:http://www.ytport.com/xwzx/jtxw/201905/t20190510_6645.html 如涉及侵权,请直接联系我们删除,谢谢!