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    In 1894, Daye railway was completed and opened to traffic by land and water. More than 100 years after Daye's iron ore arrived at Hanyang Iron Works, Huangshi new port stands in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, with seamless connection between water, rail and air, and ranks among the second batch of national multimodal transport demonstration ports. Through water and rail transport, Huangshi new port has opened the southwest freight market and become the second channel for the "dam overturning" transportation of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River


    It has been four years since the port was opened, and it has made great strides from the terminal port to the transit port. Now, Huangshi new port is striding towards the hub port. The access channels are three-dimensional and diverse. The routes and liner routes extend in all directions. The choice of Xisaishan Power Plant. Grab aircraft fly up and down, belt transmission keeps going around the clock, and freight cars loaded with coal rush out of Huangshi new port and drive to Hubei Huadian Xisaishan Power Generation Co., Ltd. (Xisaishan Power Plant) in Huangshi City


    "More than 4 million tons of coal are used every year, and the production coal must be stored for no less than 15 days," Zhao Jun, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the power plant, told the Hubei Daily all media reporter that coal is the "grain" of the thermal power plant, and the cost accounts for 70% of the total cost of the power plant. It can't be "cut off" for a moment. Before the construction of Xingang, 70% of the company's coal was transported by rail and 30% by water


    "It's 10 yuan cheaper per ton by waterway" Zhao Jun recalled, "the old port of Huangshi has poor equipment, long loading and unloading time, and small stock volume in the yard. In order to ensure production, at that time, we had to 'fight guerrillas' at the small wharfs along the line. In winter, when the coal is insufficient, the company's leaders keep an eye on the wharf every day." in September 2015, Huangshi new port opened, and Xisaishan Power Plant was the first to sign a wharf and yard lease agreement with Huangshi new port



    In September 2017, the Huangshi Xingang railway freight branch line with a total length of 7.72 kilometers entered the port, connected to the Wuhan Kowloon Railway through the Huangshi Mountain South Railway, and connected to the national railway network. Huangshi Xingang has become the first port in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River to connect seamlessly with the railway. At the Huangshi Xingang comprehensive station, a 30 meter high loading building crosses the railway track and is connected to the coal yard through a closed belt gallery


    The system automatically transmits and weighs, and fills a wagon in two minutes. After it is officially put into use at the end of this year, it will realize the coal entering the train by taking the "slide", reduce the loss and avoid pollution. "The Company railway has been connected with the Shannan freight branch line, and it has invested 35million yuan to buy 70 wagons. It is in the process of opening to traffic testing, and the water rail intermodal transportation will be realized by the end of this year


    ”Zhao Jun said happily that the water rail intermodal transportation has large traffic volume and low pollution, and the expansion of the profit space of the power plant is conducive to the development and technological upgrading of the power plant. At present, Xinyegang company is also planning to build a railway connecting line to connect with Shannan railway, realize the seamless connection of the whole process, and open the southwest freight channel. On July 8, the train loaded with 40 containers arrived at Huangshi Xingang comprehensive station from Chengdu, It was transported to Shanghai and Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province after being transshipped


    The "dam overturning" of the Three Gorges has always been the "pain point" of Yangtze River shipping. Cargo ships starting from Chongqing and Chengdu and going down the river, or going upstream from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to Chongqing and Chengdu, have to cross the Three Gorges Dam through the five-level lock. Often the first time is more than half a month. "The 'dam overturning' through Huangshi new port can save half the time" Zhang Rui, deputy director of Huangshi port logistics development center, introduced that water rail intermodal transportation is the advantage of Huangshi new port, It is of great significance to open the southwest cargo channel


    Chengdu Chuangyuan international is one of the largest intermodal freight forwarding companies in Chengdu, with many customers. At the end of 2018, the company established Hubei Chuangyuan in Huangshi and built a Southwest container transfer base. On January 5 this year, the first train from Chengdu to Huangshi new port arrived at the port, and 25 wagons of goods were sent to Jiangsu Taicang and Zhangjiagang through Huangshi new port



    At the beginning of April, the twins group opened a multimodal transport train from Huangshi to Chengdu, transporting 10000 tons of goods every month. At present, nearly 10 freight forwarding companies across the country have carried out business through Huangshi new port, accelerating the collection of cargo logistics and capital flow, and making the logistics channel of the southwest channel more smooth. In the first half of this year, Huangshi new port water rail transport was nearly 9000 TEUs, three times that of last year

    “在武汉海关支持下,黄石正大力推动水铁外贸联运一体化”黄石市口岸办主任王秀东介绍,届时,通过黄石新港口岸,实现一张通关单全程监管水铁联运外贸货物,黄石水铁联运的优势将加速释放四港联动 港城一体“按复线设计、单线施工,预留发展空间

    "With the support of Wuhan Customs, Huangshi is vigorously promoting the integration of water rail foreign trade intermodal transport," said Wang Xiudong, director of Huangshi port office. At that time, through Huangshi Xingang Port, a customs clearance form will be realized to supervise the water rail intermodal foreign trade goods in the whole process, and the advantages of Huangshi water rail intermodal transport will accelerate the release of the linkage of four ports


    ”On July 2, at the on-site office meeting of Huangshi Xingang Park, dongweimin, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, put forward the idea of the southward relocation of Huangshi Xingang railway freight branch line, and believed that the future direction of Huangshi City is "port city integration and integrated development". At present, the qipanzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge under construction stands majestically. Looking far away, busy builders on the catwalk across the river are like beating notes


    This is the third river crossing bridge in Huangshi. Next September, the bridge will be officially opened to traffic. At that time, you can get off the bridge to Huangshi Xingang, and then you can quickly enter the transportation network of national highways such as Beijing Hong Kong Macao, Guangdong, Shanghai Chongqing (Shanghai Chengdu, Fuzhou Yinchuan) to build a large traffic pattern. Huangshi took the initiative to build Huangshi Yang first-class highway, transform Daqi first-class Road Build two provincial roads... The port highway collection and distribution network of "one highway, one bridge and four first-class roads" has initially taken shape


    Overlooking from the air, the port dredging highway network is like a large artery converging to Huangshi new port. The highway port is connected with the water port, attracting a large number of logistics enterprises to gather in Huangshi. Famous logistics enterprises such as Guangdong Lin'an, ririshun and ChuanHua logistics have invested in Huangshi. 15 logistics parks have been opened and operated successively. At present, Huangshi has 20 A-level logistics enterprises, ranking in the forefront of the province



    "After the 400000 ton high-purity cathode copper project is put into operation, all goods will enter and leave through Xingang," said Wang Lei, director of Daye Nonferrous Metals Market Management Department. This will greatly reduce the logistics costs of enterprises. Hubei Ezhou civil airport, which is under construction, is only 28 kilometers away from Huangshi Xingang. Huang Jingguo, deputy mayor of Huangshi, said that Huangshi is vigorously planning to build an airport, further enhance the radiation and driving role of Huangshi Xingang, and realize water port, railway port The four ports of highway port and airport port are linked, efficiently connected and coordinated


    On July 15, the reporter met Liang Chuanmin, the general manager of Huangshi Railway Construction Investment Co., Ltd., who was busy here at the freight station of Huangshi Xingang wharf. "The planning of the southward relocation of the freight branch line is being stepped up, and the railway track is directly paved to the door of the workshop, and it is just around the corner." during his talk, he was full of confidence

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