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Xinyegang bar, Dongbei compressor, Meierya suit, Baojia shoes, Yuanda bioscience taurine... In the highly competitive international market, there is no lack of "made in Huangshi". As a traditional commercial port and one of the first two riverside cities opened in our province, Huangshi continues to strengthen its export-oriented economy, and accumulates momentum for economic transformation. In recent years, the integration of direct ocean shipping, river and sea direct transportation, cross-border e-commerce, smart ports, and iron and steel customs clearance has been achieved, The policies, resources and elements of Huangshi new port continue to work hard, and the status of an open bridgehead is becoming increasingly prominent


In the first half of this year, Huangshi's total foreign trade import and export reached a new high, reaching 14.735 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 13.97%, ranking second only to Wuhan, and ranking second in the province. On June 10, in the hinterland of Wuhan Optics Valley, Hilton Hotel was brightly lit and full of guests - Huangshi industry investment promotion conference was being held



According to the experts of the report drafting group, its connotation is to take Wuhan High Tech Avenue as the main axis, and take the three parks of future science and Technology City, Optics Valley Biological city and Optics Valley central city as the core carrier to create an innovative development core bearing area for the convergence of high-end talents and high-end industries. The connotation is in Optics Valley, where is the extension? Lay out a map, and Huangshi people outline a "Golden Corridor": starting from Optics Valley, 30 kilometers east to Tieshan district and Huandiqiao town of Daye City, It is only 10 kilometers away from Ezhou civil airport, the Hubei international logistics hub project under construction; Continue eastward and pass through two national development zones: Daye Lake National High tech Zone and Huangshi economic and Technological Development Zone; Continue eastward for 10 kilometers, and reach Huangshi Xingang directly


This is an "economic corridor" with a solid foundation. Attracted by Huangshi Xingang and relying on the advantages of the copper intensive processing industrial chain, Huangshi has successfully introduced more than 30 leading enterprises in Hushi electronics, Xinxing electronics and other industries. The electronic information industry has increased by more than 30% every year, and has become the third largest PCB (printed circuit board) industry cluster in China


Huangshi's traditional pillar industries such as copper, iron and building materials "enter and leave in a big way". Xingang park has absorbed four 10 billion level advantage projects of Baowu iron and steel, Xinxing cast pipe, Daye Nonferrous Metals and Xingang heavy science and technology, "industrial radiation complementation, two-way energy exchange". Zou Wei, a professor at Wuhan University, analyzed that Huangshi Xingang's docking with Optics Valley Science and innovation corridor can quickly expand the strategic depth of Optics Valley, conserve industrial ecology, transmit resources and energy, and improve the industrial chain, Form a trillion level Golden Corridor


At the same time, we should realize complementary functions and effectively complement the short board of location in the optical valley area, which is not adjacent to the sky or the port. We can dance together in the Yangtze River economic belt and climb the Xisai, overlook the vast Yangtze River from afar, and plunge thousands of miles along the estuary of the Yangtze River. Looking back, we will find that Huangshi new port is the closest port to the sea in our province, and its natural geographical advantages provide convenience for Huangshi new port to connect the river and the sea



Up to now, Huangshi new port has opened river sea intermodal transportation from Yangshan Port, Ningbo port and Zhoushan port and internal branch routes from Yangtze River inland ports; It shares resources with Wuhan Xingang Port, Luzhou port, Chongqing port, Yichang port, Jingzhou port and other ports for mutual benefit, and actively cooperates with well-known water transport enterprises at home and abroad. "It is as convenient for goods to get on board as taking a bus


”PI Qingyun, deputy director of Huangshi Municipal Bureau of Commerce, introduced that since August 30, 2017, Huangshi new port has opened a fixed river sea intermodal liner, which starts every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, basically realizing the convenient arrival of goods at the port and the virtuous circle of "the radiation range of ordinary ports is about 100 kilometers, beyond which the logistics cost will be greatly increased


”Li Anmin, chairman of Huangshi Xingang Port Co., Ltd., said that through rail water intermodal transportation, Huangshi Xingang has expanded the radiation capacity of the port to more than 1000 kilometers along the railway line, and the business radius can cover 11 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River economic belt, such as Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Sichuan, etc. relying on the golden waterway of the Yangtze River, the rail water intermodal transportation line connecting the coast in the East and the southwest in the west is being opened, and a closed traffic loop with Huangshi Xingang as the hub is forming


Rice transported from the northeast can reach the southwest through the port dredging railway; Further west, you can cross the Eurasian bridge and reach the western hinterland of Han Xin Europe. The cars and their parts enter Huangshi new port through railway transportation, and then drive to the blue ocean through the river and the sea. With a melodious whistle, Panamanian foreign ships carrying more than 3000 tons of high-quality steel from Xinye steel start from Huangshi new port and sail to Busan Port, South Korea


On August 29, 2017, Huangshi Xingang international direct shipping service was officially opened, and a new page of Huangshi shipping history was opened. A similar scene is becoming familiar. On June 18 this year, another batch of seamless steel tubes of Xinye steel started from Huangshi Xingang and were exported to Germany. At the same time, Meier ya, MeiDao clothing, Sanhuan forging machine tools, Fengzhan hardware curtains, Lerui Yingbao baby carriages, etc. sailed across the sea through Huangshi Xingang and entered the overseas market


On July 10, the direct purchase import quarantine inspection platform of Huangshi qipanzhou bonded logistics center, not far from Huangshi new port, is accelerating the customs clearance of skin care products, shoes, bags and other daily necessities from Canada, which are sent to Thailand rice, Argentine steak, French wine, Chilean cheriz through logistics companies all over the country... More and more global delicacies "fly into the homes of ordinary people"



"The government appoints qualified transportation enterprises to carry out cross-border e-commerce business and subsidize part of the interval freight," said Ge Liang, general manager of Huangshi Gangtong Logistics Development Co., Ltd. these guiding policies let enterprises light up a time axis, which shows Huangshi's determination to open up - in January 2014, Huangshi was approved to establish qipanzhou bonded logistics center; In November 2014, the center was officially closed for operation; In April 2016, the Bank of Huangshi port was declared to be opened wider; In November, 2018, Huangshi took the lead in launching cross-border e-commerce business among cities and prefectures in the province; In January, 2019, the State Council approved Huangshi port to expand the opening of qipanzhou port area... At present, Huangshi Municipal government is working with relevant departments to declare a comprehensive bonded area and a designated port for imported grain, and explore the integration of water, rail and land customs supervision... The door is opening wider and wider, and the pulse of development is stronger and stronger


Embrace the ocean of the future, and Huangshi moves forward quickly

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