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推动援疆事业发展 践行国企责任担当——喀什地区地委委员、行署常务副专员武洪斌一行来访盐田港


On August 22, Wu Hongbin, member of the Kashgar Prefecture Committee of Xinjiang and Executive Deputy Commissioner of the administration, and Yang Chunsheng, chief commander of the Shenzhen Xinjiang aid front headquarters and Deputy Secretary General of the municipal government, investigated and investigated Sun Bo, chairman of Yantian Port Group, Liu Nan'an, President, Wang peihang, deputy secretary of the Party committee, Wang Yan, vice president, and Li Qun, deputy chief commander of Yantian Port Construction Headquarters



Wu Hongbin expressed his heartfelt thanks to Yantian Port Group for its concern for the people's livelihood in Xinjiang, its support for the construction of Kashgar Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Xinjiang, and its donation to the construction of the "ocean library". He pointed out that as the starting point of the "China Pakistan Economic Corridor" and an important node of the "the Belt and Road", Xinjiang has the unique geographical advantage of "five ports connecting eight countries and one road connecting Europe and Asia". He hoped to learn from the valuable experience of Yantian Port Group in building and developing a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation model, Give full play to strategic regional advantages, strengthen efforts to broaden external channels, and add new vitality to the development of Xinjiang


Sun Bo said that as a state-owned enterprise in Shenzhen, Yantian Port Group has the responsibility and obligation to go all out to do a good job in assisting Xinjiang. Next, Yantian Port Group will further promote the depth and breadth of cooperation in the construction of key projects such as Kashgar comprehensive bonded zone with the help of China Ocean development foundation, so as to make greater contributions to the economic and social development of Xinjiang

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