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On the afternoon of January 28, Huangshi new port under Yantian Port Group suddenly received the unloading operation plan of COSCO Shipping Container Ship "Xiangji 909-194w", which was affected by the pneumonia epidemic infected by covid-19. 226 containers originally planned to be unloaded in Yangluo, Wuhan were temporarily transferred to Huangshi new port for unloading and then transferred to other terminals in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. At the same time, 219 export containers were also required to be loaded to Shanghai


As an important comprehensive port in the Yangtze River Basin and Hubei Province, Huangshi new port bears the heavy responsibility of serving logistics transportation and ensuring economic development. It is duty bound to undertake this task. However, the young Huangshi new port has never responded to public health emergencies. How to deal with them in a timely and effective manner is a topic that Xingang people always think about, gradually explore and constantly improve during the epidemic


A paper plan on the 28th put an unprecedented problem in front of them. When communicating with customers about the unloading plan, the staff found that the containers transferred during the unloading included a refrigerated container, but Huangshi new port had never carried out refrigerated container business before. The port area was not equipped with refrigerated container sockets, special storage yards and other professional facilities. There were great difficulties in both hardware and software to undertake this box


However, as the ship plans to go directly to Shanghai port after unloading and loading export containers, customers may face difficulties in finding other ports to unload containers, or will bear large additional costs. At the same time, it is easy to cause the risk of delayed delivery of export goods loaded in Huangshi Xingang. All Party members of Huangshi Xingang Party branch firmly believe that persistence is our powerful force to overcome the epidemic



At 16:00 p.m. on January 29, the staff smoothly unloaded the refrigerated containers to the designated storage yard and energized them. During the storage period of the containers, the temperature was inspected every four hours to ensure that the temperature was maintained at the set temperature until the goods were successfully transferred and shipped on January 30. Huangshi Xingang was customer-oriented, quickly responded to customer needs, worked hard to overcome adverse factors such as insufficient personnel and traffic control, and adjusted the working shifts and working methods in a timely manner, By making full use of the existing configuration and adopting rigorous and meticulous cooperation and linkage, the problem of stacking and plugging in refrigerators was finally solved, and the cargo loading, unloading and shipment task was successfully completed, which was highly recognized by customers



In order to lead all employees of the company to work together to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, the Huangshi Xingang Party branch regards epidemic prevention and control as the most important political task at present, and pays close attention to it, so as to lay a solid foundation for the smooth implementation of all work in Huangshi Xingang. On the one hand, the Huangshi Xingang Party branch gives full play to its role as a position, strengthens responsibility, strengthens ideological guidance, carries out public opinion guidance, and timely communicates the central, provincial, municipal The deployment requirements of the group Party Committee on epidemic prevention and control work, pay close attention to the development of the epidemic, make full use of online platforms such as wechat group, timely feed back the local epidemic situation in Huangshi, actively promote the officially released epidemic prevention and control knowledge, epidemic information and progress of prevention and control work, so that the majority of Party members can guide the staff around them to fully understand the epidemic, face the epidemic correctly, effectively prevent the epidemic, and enhance their awareness of self-prevention, Eliminate unnecessary panic and strengthen the confidence of all employees to overcome the epidemic


On the other hand, the Party branch of Huangshi Xingang has established a leading group for the prevention and control of pneumonia infected with covid-19 in Huangshi Xingang, which is responsible for overall planning and coordination, strictly implementing prevention and control measures, and ensuring that there is no dead corner in epidemic prevention and control through multi-dimensional prevention and control such as cleaning and disinfection, personal protection, and health dynamic control, so as to ensure the health and safety of employees and customers


The members of the sub committee team kept close contact with the grass-roots level, understood the epidemic prevention and control situation and material demand of the whole company, tried to deal with the shortage of prevention and control materials, provided employees with masks, temperature detectors, hand sanitizers, disinfectants and other materials, and formulated the special emergency plan for the prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Huangshi new port and the temperature detection plan for ship personnel entering the port, Comprehensively ensure the implementation of various prevention and control measures


As of January 31, Huangshi Xingang Port has completed a cargo throughput of 1.577 million tons and 7929 TEUs of containers at the beginning of the new year. Driven by the demonstration of all Party members of the branch, all employees of Huangshi Xingang Port have firm confidence, are not afraid of difficulties and dangers, stick to their posts, work together in the same boat, give full play to their spirit of responsibility, and ensure the orderly development of production and business activities in the port area while doing a good job of self-protection, in accordance with the requirements of local government departments to ensure the livelihood of the people, Ensure the transportation of ore, steel, coal, grain, medical products and other goods, providing a solid guarantee for the normal operation and production of the city


They dare not slack off in the slightest, only to strive to ensure the stability of port transportation in this severe struggle, stick to their positions, and contribute to the victory over the epidemic

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