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Since February 10, Tianjin port, the headquarters of joint-stock companies, logistics companies and other enterprises under Yantian Port Group have successively carried out the resumption of work and production, and under the condition of comprehensively implementing epidemic prevention measures, they have ensured that production and operation are carried out normally by adjusting working methods and innovating working modes, while Yantian port area, dachanwan port area, tunnel company, gas station company, Huiyan expressway, Huangshi new port Huizhou Tsuen Wan coal port and other units, in order to ensure the livelihood of the people during the epidemic period, have stuck to their posts for 24 hours. At present, they have gradually increased their efforts and strive to return to normal production as soon as possible



On the one hand, organize employees to implement various work measures and requirements of government departments and superior party committees to ensure the resumption of normal production and operation of the port; On the other hand, we should do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and publicity. While doing a good job in self-protection, we should ensure that the prevention and control and publicity education are carried out for the personnel who come to carry out business at the first time. Since the resumption of work on the 10th, Tianjin Port has strictly implemented daily prevention and control measures to effectively ensure the safe and steady development of various port businesses



Since February 11, 11 customers and 5 suppliers of the modern logistics center have been approved to resume work, and the warehouses under its jurisdiction have basically resumed normal operation. During the resumption of work, the logistics company has formulated special epidemic prevention and control measures, and timely coordinated and solved the difficulties encountered by customers in the resumption of work. The logistics company's subordinate material service companies, together with the marketing department, are guided by customer needs, concentrated resources, unified allocation, special research and developed supporting resumption plans; Employees who meet the conditions for resumption of work, regardless of level and position, are flexibly arranged to work in the reservoir area according to the needs of front-line production, and make every effort to ensure the resumption of necessary window posts and front-line warehouse operators; In depth understanding and analysis of customer business conditions, in order to reduce the demurrage charges of customers at the wharf, we should first declare warehousing and unloading, and then scan and put on shelves to speed up the flow of goods





In order to promote the sales work of the Banshan Yuehai project, the real estate company innovated its working ideas and provided the "Cloud View Building" service. It set up online sales offices in fangtianxia, Sohu and louxun to facilitate customers to view, select, chat and buy houses. At the online sales offices, the real estate company put on the shelves enterprise information and real estate details, with the functions of online interaction and puzzle solving of real estate consultants


Property buyers can understand the details of the real estate by browsing the information and pictures of the real estate, communicating with the real estate consultants, and reaching a deal. In order to maximize the use habits of post-80s and post-90s customer groups, the real estate consultants also conduct online live broadcast on the fangtianxia platform. Through live broadcast introduction, they can provide a more convenient new mode of buying a house for young people


In a live broadcast on February 14, more than 12000 people watched and interacted in just half an hour. With the approval of relevant departments, baokai company plans to resume work on February 17. In order to implement various preparations for resumption, baokai company checked 71 employees in the company and established an epidemic prevention account; Compile the guidance manual for epidemic prevention and control, collect and sort out epidemic prevention and control publicity and training materials, and push them to employees through wechat groups; Formulate the arrangement plan for resumption of production and work during the epidemic period, and strengthen the management of work, meals, office space, etc. during the resumption of work; The flexible work system is implemented. Through the rotation of AB corner, the rotation of the next day, remote office and other ways, we can not only prevent the risks caused by the accumulation of personnel, but also ensure that the daily office is not affected



The port area adheres to group prevention and control, requiring that personnel working within the scope of the terminal or handling business at the terminal must wear masks throughout the process, cooperate with on-site staff to carry out body temperature detection, carry out disinfection and sterilization work at the workplace, and strictly implement protective measures to ensure the normal operation of the port. At present, the production and operation of the two ports are stable and orderly, and the front-line staff will be flexibly arranged to resume work in stages and batches in combination with the shipping schedule



After the meeting, the company arranged special personnel to the staff dormitory for on-site mobilization in order to vacate the isolation room. As the No. 9 community rented by the company is an old-fashioned multi-storey residence, the accommodation conditions are very limited, but Zhang Aiquan, Yan Hui, Fang Zhiwei and other employees said without saying anything, they immediately actively cooperate with the bed adjustment. Within half a day, the isolation dormitory has been smoothly arranged in place, and with the efforts of the employees, they quickly cleaned up the objects Health disinfection and sterilization and other work



First, strictly implement prevention and control measures, so that prevention, detection and isolation are in the first place; Second, scientifically organize production, ensure normal production with the most streamlined staffing through scientific scheduling, and effectively control the size of personnel; Third, formulate the "Regulations on the safety management of epidemic prevention in ship berthing and unloading operations", implement closed management of the port area, and prevent and block possible infectious sources



During this period, the members of the branch committee of the tunnel company went to the working points of teams and groups such as traffic management, tunnel monitoring, substation inspection, maintenance inspection, and the company canteen to understand the ideological and physical conditions of employees, check the epidemic prevention and control work and safe production. At the same time, adjust the working mode according to the actual situation. On the premise of ensuring the safe production of the tunnel, the company changed the original two shifts to normal day shifts, and the original four shifts and three shifts reduced the number of people on duty, The administrative staff who are isolated and live far away from the company according to the regulations handle official business in the way of home network office


During the epidemic, all Party members of the tunnel company wore the party emblem, which fully displayed the good mental outlook of Party members

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