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On April 28, the Party committee of Yantian Port Group held the 2019 review meeting for the work report of the party organization secretaries of secondary enterprises. Sun Bo, the party secretary and chairman of the group, and Liu Nan'an, the deputy secretary and President of the Party committee, attended the meeting. Xu Xuebin, director of the party office of the municipal SASAC, attended the meeting for guidance. The meeting was chaired by Wang peihang, the Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of the group, and members of the Party committee of the group, the party organization secretaries of secondary enterprises, and representatives of Party members and the masses attended the meeting



For the next step, Xu Xuebin required that the Party committee of the group should, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the municipal Party committee, the municipal government and the Party committee of the Municipal State owned assets supervision and Administration Commission, select and do a good job in the "self selection action" in combination with the needs of its own development, and further promote the standardization and standardization of Party branches on the basis of implementing the regulations of the Communist Party of China on the work of grassroots organizations in state owned enterprises (Trial) We should innovate the ways and means of grassroots party organization activities, deepen the establishment of a brand of Party building with the characteristics of "one enterprise, one product", comprehensively deepen the "Touyan project", promote the overall improvement of grassroots party building, and contribute to the "double zone" construction of Shenzhen and the comprehensive reform experiment of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises



In accordance with the requirements of the regulations of the Communist Party of China on the work of grassroots organizations in state-owned enterprises (Trial) and the provisions on the implementation of the main responsibility of Party committees (Party groups) to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, and in accordance with the work objectives of the three-year action plan for Party Construction of the municipal SASAC, the provisions on the construction of grassroots party organizations should be conscientiously implemented. The party committees of the group and Party organizations at all levels should bravely take the lead in the municipal state-owned enterprises and strive to be advanced


To be loyal, clean and responsible, all grass-roots party organizations should unswervingly adhere to the "two safeguards" and be absolutely loyal to the party; We should resolutely do a good job in the inspection and rectification work, tighten the institutional cage, and build a strong ideological fence; On the new journey of promoting the construction of "two districts", Shenzhen will carry out an integrated layout around "port, district and city", build a sea related comprehensive economy, and bravely become the main force and new force of Shenzhen in building a global marine central city


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